Leap of Faith

Proposing to the man in your life

1. Send him on a treasure hunt

Appeal to the fun side of your beau with an exciting treasure hunt! You don't even have to venture very far away to do this, because all you need is a little creativity. Leave candlelit notes and clues around the house, or at your favourite spots around town. Enlist the help of friends and family to pull the treasure hunt off too, they'll be the ones leading him to you and the romantic proposal you have waiting for him.

Stock up on tea light candles to light up the treasure hunt here: http://www.lightalantern.co.za/collections/led-lights/products/maxi-tea-light-candles

2. Cook up a feast of love

The best way to a man's heart is through his stomach, right? So what better way to woo the love of your life than with a delicious spread worth writing home about? Set up a romantic dinner date in the garden for just the two of you to enjoy, complete with all the bells and whistles. Have candles and roses at the ready too, to make it extra special.

Get your votive candles here: http://www.lightalantern.co.za/collections/led-lights/products/votive-candles-clear-glass-holders

3. A love letter from the heart

Could there be anything more romantic and classic than a love letter? We're so wrapped up in technology that a handwritten letter is considered a rare treat. Write out exactly how you feel and how he makes you feel in your letter, and be there while he is reading it. A love letter is a personal reminder of the love you share for each other and something you can remember forever.

4. Relive your first date

Your man probably put a lot of effort into your first date, so why not return the favour? A really great way to propose to him is to recreate the first date that you shared together. This simple gesture is sweet without being too mushy and chances are that it is one of the first moments that you started falling for each other.

Pretty paper lanterns add romance to the occasion: http://www.lightalantern.co.za/collections/paper-lanterns/products/round-candle-lanterns

While we love a little bit of flash, guys tend to be more on the simple side. Do something that you both will be comfortable with, and when all else fails, be sure to be sincere. Let him know how much you care, and let it come from the heart!

Have you ever proposed to the man in your life?

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