Privacy Policy

This is our promise to you that we are committed to protecting your privacy. 

To this end, our Privacy Policy will tell you exactly how we obtain and use your personal information collected on the Light a Lantern website, so you can rest assured that your personal information is safe.

We urge you to read this privacy policy before making use our site or submitting any form containing your personal information.

Please note that by using the site, you are, by implication, accepting the practices we have outlined in this Privacy Policy.

We reserve the right to change our policy at any time, but changes will be posted here, so if you have any concerns about your personal information, please review this policy regularly.

The privacy practices set forth below are for our Light a Lantern website only. If you click through to other websites that we may have linked to, please review the specific privacy policies applicable to those sites.

Personal Information

We may collect certain information about your visit such as the name of your Internet service provider and the Internet Protocol (IP) address through which you access the internet; the date and time you access our site; the pages that you access while using our site and the internet address of the website from which you linked directly to our site. This information is used to help us improve the site, analyse traffic trends, and administer the site – ultimately we use this information to provide you with a better experience.

Using Light a Lantern requires the following information: 

  • Name / Billing Details / Email Address / Password / Credit Card details  (not stored by us)/ Debit Card details (not stored by us)

The personal information above is collected, stored, processed and used for the following purposes: 

  • User registration and account management;
  • Provision of services/products offered by Light a Lantern; 
  • Market research to improve our service/product offering; 
  • Dispatch newsletter on special promotional deals.

Any analysis that we might perform will not involve your personal data. 

Sharing of data

Light a Lantern will not share your information with any third party. Ever. End of story.

Data access

As our customer, you can demand access to your personal data stored in the Light a Lantern database by requesting it. Should you wish it, we will remove your data from our database on request, unless we are otherwise under a legal obligation to retain it. 

Access can be gained, your data can be changed/corrected, and you can raise any concerns about your personal data by emailing Please include a certified copy of your identity document, along with such correspondence. Just so we can be sure it’s really you we’re dealing with.


Light a Lantern makes use of tracking services offered by third parties like Google Analytics, which is a web analytics facility provided by Google Inc. ("Google"). 

This program makes use of cookies, which are text files placed on your computer that provide the analysis and tracking of the usage of our site. The information generated by the cookie about your use of this website (including your IP address) is transmitted to a Google server in the U.S. and is also stored there. 

For further information on cookies and what they do visit You can set your browser not to accept cookies and the above website tells you how to remove cookies from your browser. 

By accepting these terms you agree to the processing of your data by Google as described above, for traffic/search analysis purposes.

By registering on Light a Lantern you consent to allowing us to communicate various messages relating to promotions, special offers, discounts and the like associated with our online store. This form of communication will include but will not be limited to electronic mail.

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